Sunday, May 26, 2013

Just Another Day

so yesterday I didn't workout or run one bit. 
Not at all. Good news, I started tracking my calorie
intake. It's harder to reach the calories than I thought.
To keep my body healthy with the weight I'm currently at
1800 calories a day is my limit. My goal is to reach that
amount of calories. Not over and at most 100 less. I was off yesterday by like 200 (below) and I even pigged out on some
"healthy" pizza! It's completely insane for me to actually
fight to get to this awesome number of calories that I thought
I went over but apparently I don't... 
I'm still so excited that in 5 days I have lost 3 pounds!
Yes, I know that's not alot. However, it's a start! I have quite a plan for me today. Ab workout, squats,and more! Maybe throw some running in there, and definitely doing some Zumba!! :)
My faith in God is becoming stronger also. Since I moved down here I've had this major stress headache that has really been just.. excruciating. Last night I was talking to God and I told Him to just take it away. I knew He could. So to just take it and take all my worries with Him also because I just couldn't handle it any longer. I woke up today with no sign of a headache... I hope it stays like this! 

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