Thursday, April 10, 2014

Good news!

Well for me anyways haha
    So I weighed in this morning just curious. I'm 167.4 no more am I 169! Thank goodness! I'm sure it was just water weight since it dropped in a matter of days. But man... I was mad at myself and I am back on track with working out and I couldn't be more pumped!
    On a bad note. On Monday (04-07-14) I was doing over head squats and lost balance and fell. I ended up dropping the bar on my ankle. It's not Thursday and it's still swollen. I learned a valuable lesson to always have a spotter. Think I found a cute one :p anyways, it's hindered my running. It's still bruised. However the swelling is finally going down so I'm happy. It seems I keep injuring myself. I'm like liking this. But now I know to be more careful.

Miss Elizabeth ♡

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