Sunday, April 6, 2014


   Still not motivated but I went to the gym tonight and pushed myself anyways. I ran, not as much as I wanted to because of my shin splint... This thing is really annoying. And painful. Like... ugh! And the fact that it's just lingering on and not healing is making it worse. I'm at a stand still with my weight and can't run... Running always made me loose weight.
   It's not the only reason I run! Just to clarify. I've always wanted to be a runner. It brings so much freedom when I run. Like I can just get away from life for a minute. So I know that's another reason why I'm not motivated. Because that little piece of happiness was taken away... I'm trying not to doubt myself and to look positive and remeber the strength God has given me so far through out this crazy journey. It's just hard. But I know I can do it! I have faith in me and my amazing God! He is my sovereign healer. Feel free to keep my leg in your prayers if you will! Thank you so much!

Miss Elizabeth ♡

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